[resending as the last one got held for moderation for some reason].

Hi All,

I've been working on a fix for  https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFCORE-950, and while I think I have the problem mitigated, a couple of issues have turned up regarding starting & stopping an embedded instance (either standalone or host-controller) and resetting / reloading modules. I'm not sure if these are realistic goals for this, so I'm asking here :)

1) Modules: during embedded start a module loader is obtained via Module.getBootModuleLoader(). This in turn initializes a static var to return it's BOOT_MODULE_LOADER. In the case of stopping an embedded server and restarting with a new --jboss-home-dir, subsequent module use continues to return the original BOOT_MODULE_LOADER.  I expect this isn't a normal use case of modules, so I'm looking for some suggestions regarding perhaps the addition of a reset() method to Module or something similar to allow this behavior. Would this be a good idea? Other thoughts? (Note, I'll probably do this as a different change from #950.)

2) Property org.jboss.boot.log.file: This gets set on the first embedded server start, and I can't find where the actual logger is referencing the logfile in order to reset it to the new jboss-home-dir. Anyone have a clue for me? :^) Subsequent embedded servers continue to log to the previous server.log, which I expect will confuse people somewhat.

