Hi Darran, 

Please ignore my previous asking comments email.  One guy here just reminded me that you already replied, but I didn't get this dev list email. Let me check what's wrong with my email setting. 

Let me reply here.

>> Overall rather than adding further service dependencies, could it be better to attach something to the DeploymentUnit so it can be used later?

I think this works as long as we can finally get elytron security domain from DeploymentUnit. Can you please point me the attachment key once this is added in undertow security integration code? 


On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 11:30 AM, Jim Ma <ema@redhat.com> wrote:
Hi Darren, 
Any comments/thoughts about this topic ?

On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 9:47 AM, Jim Ma <ema@redhat.com> wrote:
WebSerivce subsystem has a user reported issue [1] which ws endpoint can't declare an undertow subsystem application security domain in jboss-web.xml. I had a quick look and it looks we need an injector to get undertow's ApplicationSecurityDomain and finally get the elytron security domain like what we handle ejb application security domain right now [2].
To make this work, I write some workaround code [3], and this may better explain what ws integration code expects to fix this issue. Darren and Stuart, can you please have a look and let me know your ideas and thoughts about this issue? 

