Thanks for tips but actually it does not change anything :)

Still there is only the reader that is non-blocking. If you check my updated example you will see that in the EchoHandler class I added a writer task which is the only way I found at the moment to have an asynchronous (yet BLOCKING) way of sending responses to the (telnet) client.

What I noticed is that Read and Write listeners are kind of mutually exclusive i.e. when I set a WriteListener and ReadListener, the read part will be NEVER called. When I set only ReadListener it's OK but then I'm not able to write ServletOutputStream in a non-blocking way. I checked the Servlet 3.1 specification, which documents Upgrade part very poorly and they do not say anything about such limitations. I could try to set the WriterListener from within ReadListener but subsequent calls to setWriteListener throw IllegalStateException, which does not follow strictly the specification:

Section 3.7:
"A subsequent call to setReadListener in the scope of the current request is illegal and an IllegalStateException MUST be thrown."

Section 5.3 (symmetrical to 3.7 but regarding the write):
says nothing about IllegalStateExceptionin in case of subsequent calls to setWriteListener

There was a presentation during JavaOne 2013 showing the upgrade mechanism, but of course Oracle guys did not show the good pieces:

In conclusion, I am able to read in a non-blocking manner and write in a blocking way. Anyone has an example how to use non-blocking read and write streams?


On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 9:31 PM, Jim McGuinness <> wrote:
So here's what I'm getting (my source code is attached) ...


dador-iMac:~ dador$ telnet 8080


Connected to

Escape character is '^]'.

GET /wildfly-debug/upgrade HTTP/1.1

Connection: upgrade

HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols

Connection: Upgrade

X-Powered-By: Undertow 1

Server: Wildfly 8

Content-Length: 0

Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 20:22:36 GMT

the quick brown fox blah, blah, blah


telnet> quit

Connection closed.

dador-iMac:~ dador$ 


15:22:36,825 INFO  [stdout] (default task-15) servlet doGet() received 'upgrade'

15:22:46,488 INFO  [stdout] (default I/O-3) listener onDataAvailable() called

15:22:46,488 INFO  [stdout] (default I/O-3) listener read 'the quick brown fox blah, blah, blah'; successfully offered to queue

15:22:46,489 INFO  [stdout] (default I/O-3) listener read ''; successfully offered to queue

15:22:56,824 INFO  [stdout] (default I/O-3) listener onDataAvailable() called

15:22:56,824 INFO  [stdout] (default I/O-3) listener onAllDataRead() called

15:22:56,824 INFO  [stdout] (default I/O-3) here is data queued ...

15:22:56,825 INFO  [stdout] (default I/O-3) the quick brown fox blah, blah, blah

15:22:56,825 INFO  [stdout] (default I/O-3) 

15:22:56,825 INFO  [stdout] (default I/O-3) 

15:22:56,825 INFO  [stdout] (default I/O-3) now do something

So the queue is getting the data as it's being piped in (the blanks in the queued data are telnet line feeds). But I have to send a signal to the servlet that all of the data has been sent (I simply close the telnet connection). Then the listener's onAllDataRead() method gets called.

So maybe this is a configuration issue. By the way, it made a difference for me in the telnet session when I specified the Connection as "upgrade" versus "Upgrade".

Just a suggestion, but you may also want to take a look at the non-blocking I/O if you input stream is a long one.

Good luck,


On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 3:05 PM, PB <> wrote:

I dare to say that my code is correct ;) The problem is that it is NEVER called - this condition (even if it's wrong, however it's not) is never checked. When I remove this line:

out.setWriteListener(new EchoWriteListener(queue, out));

it seems to work. However, I have no writer, so it should be rather called SwallowListener... It's not my goal.

Maybe I should initialize WriteListener from the ReadListener after the first read? Or maybe, when I want to send back the response I should do this directly from the read listener? e.g.


On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 5:14 PM, Heiko Braun <> wrote:
At a first glance, I'd say your while{} block never returns. Is ServletInputStream.isFinished() what you've been looking for, instead of isReady()

On 28 Mar 2014, at 16:26, PB <> wrote:

while (in.isReady()) {

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