On 15 May 2018, at 12:28, Rostislav Svoboda <rsvoboda@redhat.com> wrote:

Hi team.

WildFly and WildFly core generate component-matrix as part of the build now.

We should also consider automated propagation of current WildFly master component versions into WildFly BOMs - https://github.com/wildfly/boms. I'm especially interested in https://github.com/wildfly/boms/tree/master/client

Currently, the sync is rather complicated (manual) and not at all intuitive to implement.
Tomaz did great job on BOMs but with his departure nothing is really happening in this area.

FYI https://github.com/emmartins/boms/tree/component-matrix

Unfortunately there are still a few manual dependencies needed to be declared atm, cause if we import the component matrix (CM) in a BOM dependency management, e.g. wildly-tools, it will add all CM dependencies. BOM “import" only allows configuration of exclusions, not inclusions…

A possible workaround is to enhance the BOM builder plugin with “includes” functionality, this way the BOMs project could split CM into smaller BOM CMs, each declaring only the dependencies needed by a BOM, which would then import it.

By the way additional BOMs providing the EE8 APIs supported by WFLY 13 are also incoming.
