First I have to admit I don't have first hand experience with operators but I would like to add my point of view here.
The readme says it's an operator which
provides way to startup WildFly server in k8s clustered with kubeping
protocol and creating an ingress resource to allow inbound connection
from outside world[1]. It let you define your standalone.xml to start
with and define deployment to run in the container. The code talks the same[2]. The creator of the operator is a company[3] providing cloud based
solution so I expect they take what is the best suiting for the
customers - aka. creating a java web application and deploy it easily to
WildFly on k8s.
As I participate on the WildFly transaction integration for OpenShift[2] I would like highlight that the operator miss for example the logic for handling reliable transaction recovery[4]. And other settings that is offered by cct_modules[5].