We could easily just allow the system property to be changed for the caller calculation. It would be fairly simple really.

Any hack would likely have to be done in the scripts would be my concern. I'm sure it's possible, but I'd rather not be messing with scripts if possible. Though maybe there is a way with a custom ConfigurationLocator. I'll have a look at that approach.

On Thu, Dec 7, 2017 at 3:46 PM, David Lloyd <david.lloyd@redhat.com> wrote:
On Thu, Dec 7, 2017 at 2:02 PM, James Perkins <jperkins@redhat.com> wrote:
> There will be a slight performance impact during boot. This can be greatly
> reduced if the caller calculation is disabled. This can be done in normal
> cases, but we likely can't make it the default.

I suspect we can safely disable caller calculation by default on boot,
as long as users have an easy way to turn it on.

Also I think we should consider some kind of grimy hack to bootstrap
the logging subsystem first, if it's present, otherwise immediately
fall back to properties-based config if it's absent.


James R. Perkins
JBoss by Red Hat