On Tue, Dec 8, 2015 at 5:02 PM, Sanne Grinovero <sanne@hibernate.org> wrote:
Personally, I would totally love such an appserver who's going to yell at me:
"you bundled two copies of blah, I refuse to deploy that!".

Or similarly: "you're bundling Hibernate, but we're giving it to you
already as we recognized a JPA app and you didn't disable the embedded

"Seriously, one more copy of the JTA API ?"

I've actually done some initial work on this, but never managed to get code to some "stable" phase
where it could be used for some more than just demo purposes. (it was presented at London JBUG last year)

But idea was to do just that, have configurable set of "problematic" bundled jars / classes
that server would than yell at you about.

hence the name silly deployment detector.
code of it could be found https://github.com/ctomc/wildfly-sdd

With some more effort it could be brought to usable tool to help with messed up deployments.
