Hello All,

   Yes, I have different opinion on this topic.

Options 1 and 3 are both introducing some
kind of magic into the JAXP usage picture.

Option 2 puts responsibilities where they
should be.

Since we should not predict JAXP API
users are incompetent I prefer Option 2.


On Tue, Dec 5, 2017 at 5:10 PM, David Lloyd <david.lloyd@redhat.com> wrote:

Option 1: Fix the redirection facility in Java 9

Option 2: Stop using redirection in Java 9, "cold turkey"

Option 3: Use a dependency strategy
So far Option 1 is (unfortunately) still looking the best to me,
overall.  Does anyone have any differing opinions on this?


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Richard Opalka
Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat JBoss Middleware
Mobile: +420 731 186 942
E-mail: ropalka@redhat.com