First of all my apologies, if I am asking the question in wrong place, though my gut feeling tells me that people on this list would know the most about this matter.
I have my own annotation, which user can add onto the attribute of EJB or CDI bean, and deployment processor for my subsystem finds all classes with this annotation.
From my understanding inside deployment processor executed during Phase.PARSE, getAttachment(Attachments.ANNOTATION_INDEX) will enable me to find all classes with my annotation, without loading the classes (jandex).
After finding them all, I am trying to modify the class to inject instance to that annotated field with value that has been created in my subsystem for that deployment.
I think options are to rely on Weld, or modify bytecode to set this field with my value stored in my subsystem when class is instantiated.
If I change phase
Am I going in the right direction with this, what would be recommended way to do something like this? Any pointers would be welcome.