For anyone who tags components that come in via WildFly Core now may be a good time to try setting up a job using Kabir's new snapshot-ci tool to run through both the WildFly Core and WildFly testsuites.

Coverage doesn't presently 100% match our PR CI as we have many different profiles but does still run way more than running the default builds locally.

The following is an example of how I kicked of a job testing our 1.x branch of WildFly Elytron against the latest WildFly Core and WildFly:

It is very quick to take an existing issue and copy the contents and adapt to your own projects.  In my example I used the upstream branches of all three repos to try it out but all of these could just as easily have been my own topic branches being used for feature development.

Now that I have set up a build I will definitely try and do this regularly at least a day or two before we plan to tag WildFly Elytron to better check of any unintended side effects in advance.

Darran Lofthouse.