It looks like it came in as part of I'm personally not a big fan of these sweeping version updates like this for this exact reason. We've had issues with this type of thing before and I do think we need a better approach.

IMO we can definitely downgrade this. I also see no other modules that depend on it either.

On Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 2:43 PM, Sanne Grinovero <> wrote:
Hi all,

I just noticed that the Apache Avro version included in WildFly was
upgraded to 1.8.1.

This breaks Hibernate Search. It wasn't caught by automated
integration tests as this aspect wasn't covered by integration tests
within the wildfly codebase - we have them within Hibernate.

A quick grep on the module definitions doesn't reveal any other user,
and "git blame" seems to suggest it was updated just for the sake of
updating some components.. so I'm guessing there is no other
stackeholder I should align with?

1# Could we please revert it to 1.7.6, which is what Hibernate Search requires?

Alternatively we'll need some ad-hoc coding on Hibernate Search and a
new version respin - with all associated risks - just for the sake of
updating this.

2# What can we do to prevent such things in the future?

I can of course contribute some more integration tests but it's never
going to be enough: there will always be more tests "upstream". Could
we rather agree on some improved communication process when you all
consider updating an indirect dependency?


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James R. Perkins
JBoss by Red Hat