Having socket-bindings defined doesn't mean noting yet.

There must be se subsystem that uses that socket-binding.


Transaction subsystem has reference to this socket binding, so you need to have that configured.





From: Michael Musgrove
Sent: ponedeljek, 18. december 2017 15:39
To: WildFly Dev
Subject: [wildfly-dev] How to connect to a wildfly port


The wildfly server config contains various socket bindings such as:


<socket-binding name="txn-status-manager" port="4713"/>


When I run netstat -plnt to see which ports wildfly listens on I only see the http and management port because WildFly is using http upgrade:


tcp 0 0* LISTEN 163/java

tcp 0 0* LISTEN 163/java


Is there a way for me to open the txn-status-manager (port 4713) and write some data to it.





Michael Musgrove

Transactions Team


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