On May 30, 2014 at 11:30:46 , Tomaž Cerar (tomaz.cerar@gmail.com) wrote:
Just add this config to your web.xmland modify allowed / disallowed extensions anyway you want
<param-value>js, css, png, jpg, gif, html, htm, txt, pdf, jpeg, xml, zip</param-value>
<param-value>class, jar, war</param-value>
On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 10:01 AM, Andrei Tchijov <andrei.tchijov@vgw.co> wrote:
Hi,Sorry to bother (if this is wrong list to ask), but I wonder if anybody can help me with following problem:We have an application deployed on wildfly which among other things serves few static files (*.html, *.json and *.zip). Everything works as it should in 8.0.0Final. However, in 8.1RC2 - *.html and *.json files do work, but *.zip files report 404. Nothing changed on our side - the very same WAR file gets deployed in both cases.Your help will be highly appreciated,Cheers,Andrei Tchijov
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