One thing it would need to if we do something like this is a way to bypass the check. Occasionally a JIRA isn't required for a PR. For example the WildFly Core upgrade in WildFly full we don't generally file a JIRA for.

On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 12:03 PM, Ken Wills <> wrote:
On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 4:59 AM Martin Stefanko <> wrote:
Hi all,

Hi Martin,

I've created a tool [1] that validates the PR format. For now it checks the title and the description for the required information configured by regex expressions. It runs on my OS online and is configured in [2] on the master branch.

The tool uses GH webhooks which needs to be set up in the targeting repository and it requires the respective OAuth token, for now configured through the OS secret. 

This is the basic functionality, I can add more checks later (e.g., link validity, number of commits). Any feedback is welcome.

This looks like something we could use. What we really, really need is somethign to maintain (add, at least) a whitelist of users that PRs should auto run for & the ability to label a PR with OkToTest or something if the user isn't already in the whitelist.

Is this something you could add to this tool? Does the GH api allow configuration of checks to only run if the previous ones pass?




Martin Stefanko

Software Engineer
JBoss Sustaining Engineering Team
Red Hat
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James R. Perkins
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