Am 09.12.2014 um 12:42 schrieb Dev Ops <>:

thanks for pointing me to the github repo.

I need to do a couple of things:
  1. provide a graphical and complete view of all server-groups - along with the hosts - something like the following
That's something we've always wanted to have in the console. Currently the console has some weak points when it comes to manage big domains with lots of hosts and servers. Some kind of bird's-eye view for big topologies would definitely be an improvement. 
  1. provide a button to download the deployed application;
Not sure what's the use case behind that. Maybe you can elaborate more on that. 

Next would be extending point 2. by providing different colors for different metric values.
Likely, heap memory metric going to saturation, the balloon would be colored has almost red (#cc0000)... every hosts could have its own metric (heap memory, cpu usage, connection pool statistics, etc...).
Alerts and notifications are not needed, as there are already other software accomplishing these tasks (nagios, jon, etc...).

DevOps guy

Any contributions which address these enhancements are highly welcome! The management console is implemented in GWT. There's some documentation about the internals and how to get started at [1]. You can ping me anytime on #wildfly-management if you need more details or to discuss the next steps. 


.: Harald

On Tue, Dec 9, 2014 at 11:13 AM, Harald Pehl <> wrote:
The source code for the management console lives in its own repository at

I'm curious, what kind of customization do you have in mind?

.: Harald

Am 09.12.2014 um 11:06 schrieb Dev Ops <>:

Hi all,
where do I find the source of the web application which provides the Management console?

I need to add something to it, but I don't know where to get the source.

DevOps guy
wildfly-dev mailing list

Harald Pehl
JBoss by Red Hat

Harald Pehl
JBoss by Red Hat