On Thu, 13 Aug 2015 at 16:27 Ladislav Thon <lthon@redhat.com> wrote:

> The approach I took was to add the warnings to the describe-migration
> op, and when running the migrate op make the describe-migration
> operation the first step in the composite, so the output looks like
> this: http://pastebin.com/B01KNAHX

The fact that it's a composite operation makes the output a bit cryptic
(step-X?), but otherwise I think it's actually good.

I guess that only handling the warnings in :describe-migration makes the
implementation easier (not sure?) and printing :describe-migration as a
part of :migrate makes sense too, precisely because it shows the steps
that are performed.

So my only objection would be those cryptic "step-X" names, but I guess
that we can live with that (if all :migrate operations took the same
approach; inconsistency wouldn't really help here).

That is because this is implemented as a composite operation, AFAIK there is lots of special handing for composite ops, so I don't think we want to be implementing our own one with different output just for this case. 

I could be wrong though, this is not really my area, Brian will know more.


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