Good question. I honestly don't know.

I'm not aware of any policy that says projects shouldn't deploy directly to Maven Central, and in general I believe doing so is encouraged nowadays. So unless someone knows of any policy against doing that or can think of reasons why there should be, I think it's fine.

All the projects I release are released to For some that's just habit or just the way the poms are set up with little incentive to change. For others, e.g. WildFly itself, I don't want to eliminate manual steps. For small projects the manual steps bring very little value though.

On Tue, Sep 13, 2022 at 9:18 AM Harald Pehl <> wrote:
I'm preparing a release workflow for WildFly gRPC [1]. Part of this is the deployment of the artifacts to a Maven repository.

The options I know of are

- JBoss Maven repository
- Maven Central

The setup for the JBoss Maven repository is easy. But AIUI the deployment requires manual steps. For Maven Central, you need approval for the group ID, but the deployment can be fully automated.

Do we have any policy on how we should deploy WildFly artifacts? I would be interested to know how others handle this. Do you use JBoss Maven, Maven Central, or anything else?

// Harald

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Brian Stansberry
Principal Architect, Red Hat JBoss EAP