Hi Jeff et al,

First I would like to say I really think we need to add some love to our docs in general. I know for sure we've got some broken links and stuff like outdated information. It would be great if anyone/everyone could help update the various things they may find. I've got a list of broken links I've not been able to investigate, but would be happy to share or I'll get to it hopefully sooner rather than later.

That said I feel the docs for at least WildFly itself should be a separate project and not in WildFly itself. We've got https://github.com/wildfly/wildfly.github.io where the docs are hosted now, but it's a bit odd IMO. It's only really got one "source file" which is the index and everything else is copied over from wildfly/docs after it's built.

It would be wonderful to restructure it so we could share pages as well.

On Wed, Jun 9, 2021 at 1:24 AM Jean-Frederic Mesnil <jmesnil@redhat.com> wrote:

With WildFly 24 almost out, now might be a good time to revisit our community documentation at https://docs.wildfly.org.

We are lacking a Cloud-oriented guide that describes how to build and deploy WildFly applications on Kubernetes. We have a whole ecosystem around this (operator, helm charts, S2I images, Bootable Jar + JKube) but the documentation is spread around all these smaller projects and we don’t have something that gives the high-level picture.

I would like to provide a “Getting Started on the Cloud” guide to fill that gap.

However I’m not sure where we could write this guide. I don’t think it belongs to https://github.com/wildfly/wildfly/tree/master/docs.

So another related thing I would like is to evaluate using https://antora.org to manage our community documentation at https://docs.wildfly.org

This documentation site generator is able to aggregate documentation across multiple repositories and provide versioned documentation.

It is used by Smallrye for their docs: https://smallrye.io/docs/index/index/index.html

As you can see each individual projects maintains its documentation but they are all aggregated in a single place.

There is also the ability to access different version of the documentation:


I’m envisioning to restructure our community documentation with something like:

docs.wildfly.org (generated by Antora)>
+- WildFly (from https://github.com/wildfly/wildfly docs)
+- Galleon (from https://github.com/wildfly/galleon)
+- Bootable Jar (from https://github.com/wildfly-extras/wildfly-jar-maven-plugin)
+- WildFly on the Cloud
| |
| +- Getting started Guide (from I don’t know where)
| |
| +- WildFly S2I (from https://github.com/wildfly/wildfly-s2i
| |
| +- WildFly Operator (from https://github.com/wildfly/wildfly-operator)
| |
| +- Helm Chart for WildFly (from https://github.com/wildfly/wildfly-charts)
+- Other WildFly-related documentation/guide (e.g Elytron, Clustering)

The advantage of that approach is that each project manages its doc individually and do not have to a kind of Big Bang release when we deliver WildFly releases.
We still have to provide some consistency though.

We could also have a dedicated section for task-oriented guides:

* Connect to Keycloak on Kubernetes
* Clustering Guide for the Cloud
* Integrated with Apache Kafka
* ...

It’s not clear to me how these guides relates to our quickstarts though…

What do you think? Is this something worth investigating?

I think this makes sense. I'm a +1 for investigating it for sure.


Jeff Mesnil
Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat
wildfly-dev mailing list -- wildfly-dev@lists.jboss.org
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James R. Perkins
JBoss by Red Hat