>> > 7. compensating transactions
>> >
>> Another huge area.
>> I would let the use-cases from WildFly/Swarm drive this.
>> A simple way to start is to have a SPI that apps can implement in case
>> the transaction is MARKED_FOR_ROLLBACK (hooks to an enlisted
>> XAResource).
>> We implemented those in IJ (even if in much more standard JCA
>> environment), and maybe we could share and eventually copy/paste some
>> code.
> Check out "MongoDB integration test with compensating transactions"
> https://github.com/scottmarlow/wildfly/commit/9bd67964a9259416add73cac47328cec5127d25c,
> which is a good start. We can work forward from what we have and ideas
> from IJ.
Stefano, Could you please post github links to some of the IJ
compensating code? It would be great to express the idea of what is
being accomplished in IJ (with regard to compensating transactions), as