As of last week there were no milestone releases for the EE 10 specs listed at [1] available in maven central. It's not clear when public releases of some of these specs might be possible. I've directly addressed the WFLY component leads for the JIRA components that integrate those because I'd like to get answers to 3 questions:

1) Would near term (say next couple weeks) production of a -jbossorg variant of a milestone of a spec be useful to you? E.g. unblock other work.  Probably this could be done by forking the official spec branch into our existing JBoss fork repos and publishing a -jbossorg variant of an existing tag.

2) If not useful near term, an info on when the lack of a public API milestone would be a problem for you EE 10 work would be useful.

3) If useful, could you help?

I'll create a google sheet to record input.

Note that I'm not talking about using these releases for the long term; it's just about avoiding needing to use staging repos for WF 27 development while we wait for releases in maven central. Obviously there is a cost/benefit tradeoff here, hence the request for input.





Enterprise Java Beans (no biggie; just a micro)

JSON Binding

JSON Processing


RESTFul Webservices

Server Pages


Standard Tag Library


Best regards,