Last night I merged the 'big-bang' branch into WildFly main. That branch converted the code in the testsuite to the jakarta.* namespace and EE 10 / MP 5 etc dependencies that previously were only used in WildFly Preview. So as of last night the WildFly main branch no longer produces an EE 8 release.

I created a tag[1] of the tip of main just prior to merging that. I did that as some members of our community expressed a desire for such a tag.

The main branch still includes all the maven modules that formerly produced the component jars used in EE 8 standard WildFly. Over time we'll migrate the code in those to use the jakarta.* code and deps currently in the ee-9/source-transform modules.  There aren't an issue trackers for that work yet, partly because there are more critical things that we need to get done over the next few weeks, so filing them isn't a priority for me. If moving a particular module to jakarta.* is blocking some urgent dev work, we can move individual modules on an ad-hoc basis.

There are a number of follow up tasks to get done, tracked under WFLY-16678[2]. A number of those are already done.

One of those, WFLY-16677, proposes some kind of profile or something to disable building javax.* modules that are never distributed; i.e. that only exist to store code that gets transformed by another module.  As I commented on that JIRA though, it might make more sense to just remove those modules from the build altogether. Thoughts on that are welcome.

Finally, please note that the big-bang brought some big changes in how dependencyManagement is organized.[4] I apologize for not adequately socializing those. I thought something like that might be useful some day as a way to better organize things, but it was only last week that I realized it was really necessary to get the transition to jakarta.* / EE 10 done.


Best regards,

Brian Stansberry
Project Lead, WildFly