I wanted to give an update on things that are going on related to conscious language in the WildFly project.

First, for the WF 27 release we intend to move away from 'master / slave' in user visible production code related to WildFly's domain mode. After some good input today from Paul Ferraro, a Host Controller that is configured to act as the Domain Controller will be referred to as the 'primary' instead of the 'master'; other Host Controllers will be referred to as 'secondary'. 

The main effect of this would be the name of two of the standard config files we ship:

host-master.xml -> host-primary.xml
host-slave.xml -> host-secondary.xml

The master/slave concept doesn't have a deep presence in the actual code or user API, beyond the name of those 2 files. It's mostly something that appears in docs.

Second, if anyone is blocking re what to do about whitelist/blacklist in WF code, without objection I suggest we go with allowlist / blocklist, which seems to be the most common choice for what to use.

Third, fyi that I've renamed the default branch in a couple repos related to WildFly from 'master' to main:

https://github.com/wildfly/wildfly.github.io (source behind docs.wildfly.org)
https://github.com/wildfly/wildfly.org (source behind wildfly.org)

If you have a local clone of these repositories, the steps to convert your clone are:

git branch -m master main
git fetch origin
git branch -u origin/main main
git remote set-head origin -a

Best regards,

Brian Stansberry
Red Hat