Hey Rebecca,

I've initially wrote that script but to be fair I do not really remember reasoning behind every detail...

But one thing I do remember is that enviroment variables have different scopes.
and should not be equaled to how env variables in powershell work comparing to linux.

So you have scopes which can be
- system enviroment, (which can differ as per user/per whole system)
- script local (bit special with imports/includes)
- process local

and I do remember I did play around with process scope a bit to get some stuff working.

Main goal was to have common.ps1 that would have common logic for all scripts.
and than the actual scripts (standalone.ps1, jboss-cli.ps1,...) would just have the extra specifics.

One thing I was also looking into was creating common.ps1 as a powershell module [1] [2],
that would server as that "common" part and it would simplify things even more.
But I never got to finishing it.

I know this is all really vague, but I still hope it will help a bit.


[1] https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd878340(v=vs.85).aspx
[2] https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd878324(v=vs.85).aspx

On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 8:53 PM, Rebecca Searls <rsearls@redhat.com> wrote:

I don't understand the reason for setting the (local) variable JAVA_OPTS
in the *.conf.ps1 files when the common.ps1 functions completely ignores
the local setting and always reads and uses the environment variable value.

The in-file comments leads the reader to believe he can override the system
env var and define a new JAVA_OPTS in the conf file which will be used by the
calling script.  Currently this is not true.

Can someone explain the intent here?  Is this a bug or obsolete code that
should be removed?

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