On Jan 20, 2016, at 10:07 AM, Michael Musgrove <mmusgrov@redhat.com> wrote:_______________________________________________The narayana jts jar has dependencies on internal jdk orb classes. We test that it can work with the openjdk-orb by adding the openjdk-orb jar to the bootclasspath. However, jdeps -jdkinternals reports that we depend on internal JDK APIs. Is it the case that we cannot avoid this warning but that we are safe provided at runtime we use the classes in the openjdk-orb jar?A follow up question is, if we add javax.orb.api as module dependency (in our wildfly transactions subsystem) then at runtime will we be using the classes provided by openjdk-orb?Thanks,Mike--Michael MusgroveTransactions Teamt: +44 191 243 0870Registered in England and Wales under Company Registration No. 03798903Directors: Michael Cunningham (US), Paul Hickey (Ireland), Matt Parson(US), Charles Peters (US)Michael Cunningham (US), Charles Peters (US), Matt Parson (US), Michael O'Neill(Ireland)
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