in the context of this Issue: https://github.com/wildfly/wildfly-proposals/pull/627
we are defining a solution to allow for WildFly Glow to discover and suggest Galleon feature-packs and layers defined in other spaces than the default space (the current location in which feature-packs are registered).

The introduction of these spaces should help feature-pack developers to follow the WildFly Feature Development Process. A feature-pack would be able to migrate from spaces to spaces to finally reach the community stability level and be discovered by WildFly Glow by default.
The first space we plan to define is the 'experimental' space. A space that would contain feature-packs in active development.
A first candidate to be registered in this space could be the WildFly AI feature-pack (https://github.com/wildfly-extras/wildfly-ai-feature-pack) that is currently actively developed.
