My approach will be create the following classes:
* ProhibitedEJBAnnotationsAnnotationMarker - Mark the deployment if it has EJB annotations that are not allowed (Similar to CDI Annotation marker no Weld)
* ProhibitedEJBAnnotationsDeploymentUnitProcessor - Do the deployment rollback in case of the marker is present.
Add the proper cleanup of the attachments no EjbCleanUpProcessor
Some auxilar classes to be created:
public enum ProhibitedEJBAnnotations {
* javax.transaction.Transactional annotation.
private static class Constants {
* package javax.transaction
public static final DotName JAVAX_TRANSACTION = DotName.createSimple("javax.transaction");
* Marker for deployments that have prohibited EJB annotations present
public final class ProhibitedEJBAnnotationsAnnotationMarker { (Similar to CdiAnnotationMarker on Weld)
public class ProhibitedEJBAnnotationsDeploymentUnitProcessor implements
DeploymentUnitProcessor {
If you guys came up with better names it will be good.
I was wondering as well if the CDIAnnotationMarker can be used directly from the Weld subsystem or it will be better isolate the subsystems?
Good question. The easiest solution is probably to change one of the EJB dups that looks at annotations to also check for @Transactional and fail accordingly.
Sent from my iPhoneI'm looking at this issue:
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFLY-4169In the ejb-3_2 specification :
It is illegal to associate JTA transactional interceptors (see [8]) with Enterprise JavaBeans. The EJB Container should fail deployment of such applications.[39]@Transaction annotation was introduced in JTA 1.2,
As Narayana 5.0.0.M3 is now JTA 1.2 compliant, and it was introduced on Wildfly since version WildFly 8.0.0.Beta1, what should be done?
Because this restriction could be removed in the future versions:
[39] This restriction may be removed in a future release of this specification
If this is needed, how to proceed? Should be done on Weld subsystem, something similar with the annotations markers, just to log the problem or it will be more tricky, since the deployment should be rolled back (by the specification)?
--__________________________Eduardo Sant'Ana da Silva_______________________________________________
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