Hi Brian,

This one could be a candidate to include https://github.com/wildfly/wildfly-core/pull/4005 just synchronising one fix being used elsewhere.

Darran Lofthouse.

On Thu, Nov 7, 2019 at 9:14 PM Brian Stansberry <brian.stansberry@redhat.com> wrote:
Hi everyone,

If any or the component leads for the components in the WFLY and WFCORE JIRA projects[1] have ready-to-go fixes that they want to see in a WildFly 18.0.1 that aren't already merged, please reply with details, preferably including a JIRA link.

Recently for each WildFly major we've been doing a micro release in the first few weeks to a month or so after the major release. We released WildFly 18 in early October so now I'd like to do an 18.0.1 next week. 

Over the last month as critical bug fixes have come into master I've made an effort to ping the relevant component leads to see if the fix is also a good fit for 18.0.1. From that we've got a pretty good payload[2], enough to justify the release. But if there are things I've missed I'd like to hear from the leads.

Some guidelines:

* We want things that are very SAFE. The point of a micro is to fix problems so we don't want to introduce problems.
* We want things already in master or that can be ready by late Monday.
* Generally we only want things that resolve problems of Critical or Blocker JIRA priority. (Other fixes that come in via a component upgrade to fix the Critical/Blocker are ok.)
* If we upgraded a component and that upgrade fixes a CVE that was in the old version, that's ok, even if it wasn't Critical/Blocker priority. So long as the upgrade is SAFE.

Best regards,
wildfly-dev mailing list