In dist/ directory you have "inflated" version of distribution with proper jars.

otherwise, this is controlled by  copy-module-artifacts flag in in server-build.xml
for example see:


On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 4:24 PM, Wolf-Dieter Fink <> wrote:

I noticed that the module.xml contains no jar file but a reference
         <artifact name="org.wildfly:wildfly-ejb3:9.0.0.Alpha1-SNAPSHOT"/>

I wonder how that works as after the build a copy of the target/wildfly
directory will use the update, but I don't see an updated jar in my
maven repo.

My question is how can I have a full snapshot with the full jars, i.e.
to compare with an older version?
And how does that work if we create a release ? Do the zip provide all
the jar files as before?

maybe a already documented issue, but I don't found any

- Wolf
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