On Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 1:23 PM, Tomas Hofman <thofman@redhat.com> wrote:
I'm working on an issue in Elytron, which requires validation of IPv6
addresses. Potentially also normalizing IPv6 addresses and matching
addresses by masks could be needed in future. For now I implemented my
own validation code which may be good enough, but still, better would be
to rely on proven utility class.

Do we use some standard library for such purposes, or is there such
functionality in JBoss codebase somewhere? I found NetworkUtils class in
wildfly-network package, which does some of that, but that can't be used
in Elytron.
What is the use case?

Are there some rules when considering new dependencies? For instance
would Apache Commons Validator/Net represent conceivable dependencies
for Elytron?
new runtime dependency? I would avoid them if possible.
Especially when it comes to Apache Commons * ...
