Late reply, not sure how I missed this :)

On Tue, Oct 17, 2023 at 6:43 AM Martin Stefanko <> wrote:
Just out of curiosity, I can't find this in the documentation. What happens if you hit more than 20 concurrent jobs? They are just not started/listed, do they wait for when they could run within 20 concurrent jobs, or maybe they are rejected/canceled and GH doesn't track the restart?

The limits are documented here For the free plan you get 20 runners. And yes, what happens is jobs just stack up and wait for runners to become available.

The biggest issues is that runners are shared across the organization, so that's 20 runners for everything under I've filed to help reduce the number of jobs for WildFly itself.

Martin Stefanko

Principal Software Engineer
Middleware Runtimes Sustaining Engineering Team
Red Hat

On Thu, Oct 12, 2023 at 9:58 PM Brian Stansberry <> wrote:

Before anyone adds any more github actions to projects in the 'wildfly' github org, please discuss here or in zulip.

GH actions jobs have been essentially free for a long time from our naive POV, but we do have a max of 20 concurrent jobs across the whole github org, which we're starting to hit

So we should discuss new ones to make sure they are a good use of our limit.

Best regards,

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