An only embedded container's advantage over managed container is a simpler test debugging - no special setup required.

I'm fine with dropping it, just in case it wasn't intentional decision to remove embedded container, we can re-introduce it.

~ Lukas

On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 3:47 PM, Brian Stansberry <> wrote:
Hi Lukas,

On 4/29/15 9:58 AM, Lukas Fryc wrote:
> Hey guys,
> just wondering if wildfly-arquillian-container-embedded was discontinued
> with split of 9.x:

It was, yes, as wildfly-arquillian shouldn't depend on WildFly Full (to
avoid a circular dependency) and WildFly Core didn't have an embedding
> When working on a re-enablement, I found out that even though arq
> adapter now depends on wildfly-core/embedded, particularly
> on EmbeddedServerFactory, this class has its counterpart in
> wildfly/embedded as well.

I added the wildfly-core/embedded module in order to support the Offline
CLI.[1]  At this point I consider it to be an internal module, not
public API. I expect that will soften over time, but for WildFly Core
1.0 / WildFly Full 9.0 at least, that's what it is.


> Question is, should be embedded arquillian container still available for
> 9.x?

Jason Greene would need to rule on that, but I know we were ok with
dropping it before. Is there much use of it?

> If yes, I can continue and provide a PR, just I will need a bit of
> guidance with what EmbeddedServerFactory it should actually use (if that
> matters).

What API would it need from wildfly-core/embedded? Is the
StandaloneServer API there adequate?

> Cheers,
> ~ Lukas
> --
> Lukas Fryc
> AeroGear Core Developer
> Red Hat
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Brian Stansberry
Senior Principal Software Engineer
JBoss by Red Hat
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