Don't know the company behind gitbook, or how they host their site. But you can also take the gitbooks npm and run it on your own. It's also a nice way to edit/view docs locally. But for the majority of cases you can simply edit the file right on github, which is really convinient. 

I've spend quiet some time with this for swarm, so if you need any help with this contact me offline.

Regards, Heiko

Am 25.07.2016 um 23:56 n Brian Stansberry <>:

Thanks. That’s an implementation choice of whoever is providing this service though.

It seems it’s a company named Friend Code, Inc.

On Jul 25, 2016, at 4:32 PM, Tomaž Cerar <> wrote:

On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 10:52 PM, Brian Stansberry <> wrote:
Who is hosting the gitbook stuff?

whois and friends say it is ec2

Brian Stansberry
Manager, Senior Principal Software Engineer
JBoss by Red Hat

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