On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 4:31 PM, Stan Silvert <ssilvert@redhat.com> wrote:
I'm hoping that it won't be long before the web console is a separate download that merely connects to WildFly/EAP.  At that point we would not ship web console with the server and this won't really matter any more.
Yes but until that is done, we can still have trimmed console.

I assume that if we do trim the console, it will be for WildFly only?  That's probably a good thing but we would need to explain why the EAP download is so much larger.
 Yes wildfly only, why would we need to explain EAP download size, there is so many things different in EAP that it really does not make sense to explain details like that.
Also note that localization is not just for logging messages and exceptions.  Some DMR operations are localized too and presumably the result does show up in the web console UI.
Yes, also DMR operations can be localized, but we don't ship translations in WildFly but only in EAP. so again, this does not apply to wildfly as it is right now.
