
The configuration for wildfly is currently here: https://gitlab.cee.redhat.com/jboss-set/dependency-alignment-configs/-/blob/master/rules-wildfly-master.json

It might need a cleanup. I' going to move it to public GitHub repo, it doesn't need to be private, and will set Jandex to report minor versions.


On Wed, 2023-06-28 at 11:05 -0500, Brian Stansberry wrote:
Hi Tomas,

Do you know why Jandex 3.1.x isn't on this report? Is it because this is a different minor version? If so, can we add a configuration rule[1] for io.smallrye:jandex so it proposes the MICRO stream?

I'm not sure where the config that generates this email is maintained; otherwise I'd be happy to send up a PR.

Hi Everyone, particularly Ladicek!

Any objections to getting notifications of available minor updates of Jandex? The Jandex project is run in such a way that minor updates are likely a good fit for WF and should be suggested.

Best regards,

On Fri, Jun 23, 2023 at 11:48 AM <thofman@redhat.com> wrote:

Component Upgrade Report

Following repositories were searched:

Possible Component Upgrades
GAVNew VersionRepositorySince
1 items

Generated on 2023-06-23

Report generated by Maven Dependency Updater

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Brian Stansberry
Principal Architect, Red Hat JBoss EAP