We've decided to delay the WildFly 28 Final release by a week in order to handle some late changes and do a bit more polishing. New dates are:

1) WildFly Core 20.0.1 PRs ready for merge - Fri Apr 14. 
 -- Note that fixes for 20.0.1 require PRs against both the core 20.x and main branches!
2 )WildFly 28 Final PRs ready for merge - Fri Apr 14
3) WildFly 28 Final Tag - Wed Apr 19
4) WildFly 28 Final Deliverables ready – Thur Apr 20

On Mon, Mar 13, 2023 at 10:32 AM Brian Stansberry <brian.stansberry@redhat.com> wrote:
We've been working on WildFly 28 for quite a while now, and we're at the point where we have some clarity on the release schedule. (Actually we hit this point a while ago but I've been out sick and this email is past due!) Here's what we are aiming for:

1) All feature PRs ready for merge – Wed Mar 22
2) All beta PRs ready for merge – Fri Mar 24
3) WildFly 28 Beta Tag – Wed Mar 27
4) WildFly 28 Beta Deliverables available to users – Thur Mar 28
5) WildFly 28 Final PRs ready for merge - Fri Apr 7
6) WildFly 28 Final Tag - Wed Apr 12
7) WildFly 28 Final Deliverables ready – Thur Apr 13
If you have any questions or concerns about these dates, please let me know.

Brian Stansberry
Project Lead, WildFly