We are getting DummyTransactionExceptions when we are invalidating a session when a non-transient conversation is still open.

I just give in the forum a complete guide how to reproduce our problem.
Maybe somebody has time to look on it:

Here the resume of the forum:
 I just tried out with https://ci.jboss.org/hudson/job/WildFly-latest-master/1470/ 
 We are getting the same exception DummyTransactionException
 We are working in the "full-ha" profile.
What we are to reproduce the problem:.
 - downloading WildFly-latest-master #1470 [Jenkins]
 - added an management user for the console with "add-user.bat"
 - changing in %JBOSS_HOME%\domain\configuration\domain.xml the "cluster-password" to a real password
 - starting up with "domain.bat" and loading the console (http://localhost:9990)
 - changed the "main-server-group" to "full-ha" profile with "full-ha-sockets" binding
 - restarted the WildFly support to get it running in "full-ha"
 - deplayed the convTest.war (latest version with sources is attached in the forum thread) to the main-server-group and enabled it
 - doing the test:
    - opening http://localhost:8080/convTest/step1.jsf
    - starting a conversation by clicking on "startConversation" button
    - clicking the "logout" button to invalidate the session

=> DummyTransactionException
What are we doing wrong?
