
I'm not able to do a build with the latest version (9ae8a8d600dedd6aa6e80d469921aa2d8ee43eb1) , the test case WSTestCase is failing.
It is trying to connect with http://webservices.smoke.test.as.jboss.org/, that is unreachable.

14:04:24,873 WARN  [org.apache.cxf.phase.PhaseInterceptorChain] (main) Interceptor for {http://webservices.smoke.test.as.jboss.org/}EndpointService#{http://webservices.smoke.test.as.jboss.org/}echoString has thrown exception, unwinding now: org.apache.cxf.interceptor.Fault: Could not send Message.

Am I doing something wrong? Is there anything to configure to override this address?

Eduardo Sant'Ana da Silva