Sorry, I missed this mail until now. The issue is that <optional> maven
deps were not being picked up by the maven reactor build without performing
the 'mvn install' step. This issue FORGE-2003, has been resolved and is now
in Forge 2.10.0.Final - I will do an update and send a PR to fix this in
On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 10:24 PM, Ondrej Zizka <ozizka(a)> wrote:
Hi (Lincoln),
could you please describe the issue with forge resolver more closely?
I think I was hit by that few times - the app is behaving differently
when I build only one module, then run test with other, and in whole run.
What's the cause and what exactly does it cause - what should I count with?
On unrelated note - I changed few things, rebuilt few times, and now
instead of
expected:<3> but was:<0>
I have
expected:<3> but was:<4>
Which is good - the whole run sticks with the same graph :)
But a bit weirder - having more nodes than the test expects...
More tomorrow.
windup-dev mailing list
Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."