Minutes:        http://transcripts.jboss.org/meeting/irc.freenode.org/windup/2015/windup.2015-01-14-15.08.html

Minutes (text): http://transcripts.jboss.org/meeting/irc.freenode.org/windup/2015/windup.2015-01-14-15.08.txt

Log:            http://transcripts.jboss.org/meeting/irc.freenode.org/windup/2015/windup.2015-01-14-15.08.log.html

Meeting summary
* Agenda  (lincolnthree, 15:09:21)

* Status Reports  (lincolnthree, 15:12:07)
  * (mbriskar) Working on the IllegalStateException issue thrown from
    Furnace. I have tried several tweaks in the test runner, none of
    which worked, so the problem is probably somewhere deep inside
    furnace states/race condition that causes addons to never be loaded.
    If that's not enough, after adding several printlns, some
    ModuleClassLoader issue happens in which some classes are not loaded
    (no idea why/what happened, somet  (lincolnthree, 15:12:30)
  * I have been working on several things. I've performed a review of
    the Victi.ms addon and reported some feedback. There is still one
    more problem I am looking at related to runnign Victi.ms in Eclipse
    (it seems to  crash for some reason, so I need to figure out why)
    (lincolnthree, 15:14:42)
  * I've also been brainstorming with jess and working on the XmlFile
    condition parameterization, which I think is almost there (due to
    Jess's diligence)  (lincolnthree, 15:15:33)
  * I've also been meeting with RHC teams in Europe to get apps and
    feedback from them, but feedback comes very slowly.  (lincolnthree,
  * Lastly, I've been preparing for our Rule Review, which I'll talk
    about in next steps.  (lincolnthree, 15:16:23)
  * I worked on:  (ozizka, 15:18:16)
  * WINDUP-398 Rules request: Ignored jars by G:A:V and hashes - done
    (ozizka, 15:18:17)
  * WINDUP-355 Rules request: Report artifacts/jars that contain
    security vulnerabilities; use Victi.ms - applying Lincoln's review
    notes  (ozizka, 15:18:17)
  * (these are in the windup/windup-quickstarts repo)  (ozizka,
  * I have worked on parameters with XmlFile (parameterized xpath) -
    WINDUP-448, along with quite a bit of help from lincolnthree
    (jsightler, 15:20:27)
  * We have a first implementation now that seems to work pretty well
    (although it needs more testing), so hopefully the main remaining
    tasks here are to clean things up and make the code better
    (jsightler, 15:22:07)

* Priorities and Next Steps  (lincolnthree, 15:23:55)
  * #1. Rule review, storage, and organizatiopn  (lincolnthree,
  * I've prepared a document to track our rule review, here on GDrive:
    (lincolnthree, 15:25:43)
  * So what this rule review means is that we need to evaluate all of
    the rules we currently store in XML in Windup addons, organize them,
    fill in missing information, add KBase links and links to relevant
    documentation, and figure out where they should be stored.
    (lincolnthree, 15:27:58)
  * this needs to be done before we release Windup 2.0.0.Final at the
    end of this month.  (lincolnthree, 15:28:13)
  * #2. Adding a default ignore list to the distribution, in
    $WINDUP_HOME/ignore/  (lincolnthree, 15:28:54)
  * This ignore list should skip every JAR in Maven central (if
    possible)  (lincolnthree, 15:29:18)
  * #3. Finish the rule parameterization for XML files.  (lincolnthree,
  * #4. Continue to fix any bugs or crashes that we find.
    (lincolnthree, 15:30:59)

* How to store ruleset metadata/docs - or - when we plan to start
  building an online (web)app  (lincolnthree, 15:36:34)
  * An online app that would allow users to suggest new rules, store the
    existing rules + metadata, bundle and release latest set of rules,
    etc is way ahead of where we are now.  (ozizka, 15:41:40)
  * But it is really something that I think would help people
    contribute, so definitely worth investing in when we get to that
    stage of maturity  (lincolnthree, 15:42:12)
Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."