Minutes:        http://transcripts.jboss.org/meeting/irc.freenode.org/windup/2015/windup.2015-02-11-15.08.html

Minutes (text): http://transcripts.jboss.org/meeting/irc.freenode.org/windup/2015/windup.2015-02-11-15.08.txt

Log:            http://transcripts.jboss.org/meeting/irc.freenode.org/windup/2015/windup.2015-02-11-15.08.log.html

Meeting summary
* Agenda  (lincolnthree, 15:09:05)

* Status Reports  (lincolnthree, 15:10:43)
  * I have been working on the SkipArchives and IdentifyArchives addon,
    (ozizka, 15:12:52)
  * it's done now, see PR's  (ozizka, 15:12:58)
  * The end of last week was in the sign of DevConf - I've prepared a
    lab  (ozizka, 15:13:20)
  * I will reuse that stuff for a video which I have been planing for
    long time  (ozizka, 15:13:43)
  * I've edited the wiki a bit  (ozizka, 15:14:00)
  * WINDUP-506  (ozizka, 15:14:33)
  * Besides devconf I worked on WINDUP-489 (we provide rules that add
    mappings from few files to xml files in rules dir), WINDUP-504
    (XmlFile.in() now doesn't use pure regex but our type of regex)
    (mbriskar, 15:15:33)
  * I forgot - the @Rules metadata annotation  (ozizka, 15:16:19)
  * now I will try to focus on making our Java AST processing better
    (catch superclasses/interfaces, maybe nested calls in the future)
    (mbriskar, 15:16:29)
  * So, that works and is ready for merge, only the categories do not
    work, IDK why.  (ozizka, 15:16:51)
  * I spent most of last week finishing WINDUP-398 and WINDUP-456. They
    are now merged.  (lincolnthree, 15:18:12)
  * I also reviewed several PRs, did some management catch-up.
    (lincolnthree, 15:18:52)
  * This week I will be working on our product integration plan, and
    planning for the next release.  (lincolnthree, 15:19:24)
  * I worked on WINDUP-502 and WINDUP-503 (linking to EJB class files
    and deployment descriptors when possible)  (jsightler, 15:20:44)
  * I have also worked on WINDUP-499 (displaying jar information in the
    source report)  (jsightler, 15:21:02)
  * I also finished WINDUP-497, WINDUP-500, and WINDUP-501 (these are
    related, and get us titles/bodies for inline hints, as well as
    bodies in markdown format)  (jsightler, 15:21:55)

* Priorities  (lincolnthree, 15:24:44)
  * To be discussed today during the planning meeting, but we will
    likely spend a good amount of time for this release working on rules
    metadata, externalization, and storage. possibly also on the AST
    functionality  (lincolnthree, 15:25:55)

* web UI rule generator  (lincolnthree, 15:26:07)

* Web in general  (lincolnthree, 15:38:21)

* Server config migration  (lincolnthree, 15:45:06)
Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."