Is it now Jeff working on that migration code?
Or is it like before, which means, individual subsystems take care of
their own migration, only this time it's through a :migrate operation?
And Eduardo's code will call that in a batch?
I guess these are questions for WildFly team anyway.
On 1.5.2015 21:23, Lincoln Baxter, III wrote:
Hey Ondra, Matej,
Here is the thread on the wildfly-dev(a)
<> email list that is discussing the
legacy migration functionality from the wildfly side of things.
As you continue to build the server-migration functionality, could you
two please stay familiar with what is happening here and provide your
thoughts and ideas on what, if anything, we can use from this, and any
changes you think we might need them to make in order to make use of it?
Thank you,
Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."