Am I correct in assuming that as of right now windup is not being built on any nightly build server and then being deployed to a maven repository?


I am looking to setup the maven-eclipse-plugin project on the JBoss Tools CI but because the plugin has a dependency on windup right now the only way I am able to build it is by manually downloading windup and compiling it locally. This strategy won’t work for a CI build, I am therefor on the hunt for a solution.


I was also thinking it may be about time to start handling releases of windup better, which would coincide nicely with having a nightly build server. Right now we do active development in what looks like release version of Windup rather than using the maven standard of –SNAPSHOT releases. As a project that depends on the Windup project this inconsistency in build versions does make life a bit trickery.



Blue Skies,
