Minutes: http://transcripts.jboss.org/meeting/irc.freenode.org/windup/2015/windup.2015-02-25-15.00.html
Minutes (text): http://transcripts.jboss.org/meeting/irc.freenode.org/windup/2015/windup.2015-02-25-15.00.txt
Log: http://transcripts.jboss.org/meeting/irc.freenode.org/windup/2015/windup.2015-02-25-15.00.log.html
Meeting summary --------------- * Agenda (lincolnthree, 15:00:51) * Status Reports (lincolnthree, 15:01:16) * I have completed WINDUP-508 (origin field for WindupRuleProvider to make debugging easier) (jsightler, 15:02:38) * Also, as part of WINDUP-465, I moved the rules to the windup-rulesets repository and created a little test suite for rules in there. The test suite makes it easy to build tests with only a .windup.test.xml file (that itself looks very similar to a Windup ruleset). (jsightler, 15:03:39) * And finally, I have been working on WINDUP-515. This is almost done, it's just waiting on the tests to run again. (jsightler, 15:04:10) * I'll be looking at JIRA for next tasks after this is done. (jsightler, 15:04:48) * Last week I worked on doing some political stuff. I've drafted our Product Integration Plan and have put it out for review. It's in our admin folder on gdrive if you want to check it out. (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1p7A08CI7BuhdlXbkIdQzs-zn5bnLu7ThW-ToqWW8DxQ/edit#) (lincolnthree, 15:05:37) * I also reviewed several PRs (lincolnthree, 15:05:37) * I'm working on the Furnace test-harness improvements to simplify dependencies in test cases (removing duplication) (lincolnthree, 15:05:37) * Next I plan on finally merging the archive identification improvements or from ozizka (lincolnthree, 15:05:37) * I was facing the problem that happened to jmorales, it consist of 2 issues, one of which is WINDUP-516 that is already merged (mbriskar, 15:09:49) * I was working with sgilda to explain rules so their creation may be documented in the future (mbriskar, 15:11:10) * I am working on AST, still.. In some cases we are much better (7 matches went to 13 correct ones), but in some other cases there are gaps in which the new AST parsing is worse (mbriskar, 15:12:14) * Priorities (lincolnthree, 15:14:25) * We are almost done with our feature work for 2.2.0.Final (plus some added bonuses) (lincolnthree, 15:15:12) * Once we are pretty sure we are done, I think we should do some work on our code debt. We'll have a few weeks left before the release, and if new feature requests come in, or if we have ideas to work on (like perhaps taking jsightler's test harness and making it more robust,) then I think we should do those as well. (lincolnthree, 15:15:59) * Release Status (lincolnthree, 15:17:14) * As I just said, we are nearly feature-done for the Release, so we'll be working on code-debt. (lincolnthree, 15:17:35) * EAP team partnership (lincolnthree, 15:20:05)