Let's move this discussion to


On 26.6.2014 04:20, Ondrej Zizka wrote:
It seems that the interface could be reduced from

public interface IterationSelectionManager {
    Iterable<WindupVertexFrame> getFrames(GraphRewrite event, VarStack varStack);

to just

public interface FramesSelector {
    Iterable<WindupVertexFrame> getFrames();


1) Has not much to do with iteration
2) the stack and the event do not necessarily have to be needed / available at the time of calling getFrames(),
3) event is used just to get the context, which may be set in impl's constructor (or injected?),
4) The variables stack should be accessible from the context, i.e. somehow from the event. and if not, 3) applies here too.



On 26.6.2014 03:39, Ondrej Zizka wrote:
On 25.6.2014 08:04, Lincoln Baxter, III wrote:
IterationSelectionManager provides access to the specified selection variable (e.g. something that was selected via GraphSearchConditionBuilder (this name was initially "Selection" and we probably need to think about changing the name to something else)
It's rather some kind of view/projection than a manager - the SelectionFactory / VarStack actually manages both.
And I ponder how many ways to get the frames based on a name can there be. Can one var name lead to different set frames? If not, then that's my point - if there's just one, then this layer is not necessary. Or do I miss something?

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