Thanks for your hard work. Good luck with training. I'm going to try to finish this today.

On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 10:15 PM, Ondrej Zizka <> wrote:

sorry to say I'm a bit late with this due to the Forge issue.
Since I'll be on training tomorrow and this could block release (?),
here's the status:

What's freshly done:
     The data bundle - something that creates a fresh .zip artifact with
the SHA1 -> GAV mapping from Maven Central during the build.

What's missing:
     Loading this bundle into the class which does actual identification.
     Not tested in rules - only pieces.

Both should be relatively easy to fix:
     Loading is probably matter of adding the right addon to classpath
and feeding the resource to ArchiveGAVIdentifier.addMappingsFrom(is); in
     Tests are roughly written IIRC, only I got stuck with the mentioned
issue and then was debugging them.

Need to go sleep, the training starts in 4,5 hours.
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Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."