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Subject: My WebLogic file
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 11:34:37 -0400
From: Sande Gilda <sgilda@redhat.com>
To: Ondřej Žižka <ozizka@redhat.com>
CC: Robb Greathouse <robb.greathouse@redhat.com>


Copy the attached file into your windup source 'test-files/src_example/src/main/java/org/windup/examples/servlet/' directory.

That directory will now have 2 files: SampleServlet.java and SampleWebLogicServlet.java

I used the instructions in the quickstart README file here: https://github.com/windup/windup-quickstarts/blob/master/weblogic-javaee-servlet/README.md

I installed the rule, added it to windup, and ran: 
windup-migrate-app --input /home/sgilda/GitRepos/windup/test-files/src_example/ --output /home/sgilda/temp/WindupOutput/src_example_report --packages weblogic.servlet
My report has 0 story points and looks like the following. I expected to see story points for the WebLogic servlet annotations and this hint: "Migrate to Java EE 6 @WebServlet."

It doesn't appear to be evaluating my java/ directory at all. Any idea what I am doing wrong?
