Hi everyone,

I hope you are doing great. Yesterday I had a look at the latest version of Windup (2.1.0.Final) and I really like it :) It seem way faster than the previous releases I tested.

Yesterday I updated the windup-as-a-service fronted (https://github.com/Maarc/windup-as-a-service), made some cleanup and fixed issues with chrome. It is basically an EAP 6 web application running windup 0.7. During the last weeks, I installed this in combination with custom rules for a customer having hundreds of developers. Do not hesitate to have a look at it and give me some feedback.

I started to integrated the windup-as-a-service fronted with Windup 2.1.0.Final and would be glad to have your support. 


In order to be able to build Windup 2.1.0.Final, I had to
It would be great to document it.

However my built client in the “dist” directory has less jars than in the "windup-distribution-2.1.0.A-offline.zip” and I was not able to run it.


In order to integrate Windup 2.1.0.Final in EAP, I tried to follow the same way that worked for windup 0.7:
- define a custom jboss-module containing most of the windup and add ons libraries (expected the weld ones)
- control the loaded dependencies with a custom jboss-deployment-structure.xml

So far it does not work and I am not sure this approach is really a good idea. Forge has not been designed to be executed in EAP 6 directly. Do you have some hints for doing this?

Maybe using a java wrapper and calling the standalone windup installation would be a better idea ...

best regards,
