Hi Roman,

1) Yes, the rule seems useful, thanks! You can create a PR, or shall I?

2) How about leaving out the <where>:

      <filecontent filename="{*}.jsp" pattern="import=&quot;&quot;" />

<where> is generally useful if you need to match a regex, or refer to the value somewhere else in the rule.


On 21.4.2016 09:40, Roman Martin Gil wrote:
Thanks Ondrej, my latest rule version is working as I want.

Now I create a new rule to identify page import definitions empty (<%@ page import="" %>, .... this line in WAS is working successfully 🤔 but in EAP not (compile error).

<rule id="jsp-empty-imports">
<filecontent filename="{*}.jsp" pattern="import={emptyString}" />
<hint message="Empty imports definition in a jsp" effort="1" severity="mandatory">
                        Empty import definitions in .jsp or .jspf files will fail in compilation time. It is needed to
                        remove them.
<where param="emptyString">
<matches pattern="(&quot;&quot;)" />

I think that rule is also important in other migrations so WindUp could introduce in its global rules. What do you think?


On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 4:58 AM, Ondrej Zizka <ozizka@redhat.com> wrote:
For the cases like "Message: ", i'd suggest to use negative lookbehind:


Which basically says, make sure there's no word character prior to the potential drive letter.


On 20.4.2016 16:02, Marek Novotny wrote:
forgot to include Romain in CC

On 20.4.2016 16:01, Brad Davis wrote:
+1 -- it is not only important for Windows to Linux, but also for identifying file read / writes that need to be mounted for cloud deployments to things like OpenShift.

Brad Davis
Director of FSI Solutions, Red Hat Consulting
Email: bdavis@redhat.com | c: 980.226.7865 | http://www.redhat.com

----- Original Message -----
From: "Marek Novotny" <mnovotny@redhat.com>
To: "Windup-dev List" <windup-dev@lists.jboss.org>
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 9:49:31 AM
Subject: [windup-dev] Fwd: [WindUp] Regular expression to detect filesystem     paths

adding windup-dev ml as this could be interested to Windup community.


  I would go with simplified pattern for every unique occurrence to more
more general one.

So try to use <or></or> and condition patterns in it.
Something like the following:

  <rule id="filesystem-paths-properties">
                        <filecontent filename="{*}.{extensions}"
                                pattern="{filesystem}" />
                        <filecontent filename="{*}.{extensions}"
                                pattern="{netfilesystem}" />
                        <filecontent filename="{*}.{extensions}"
pattern="page import="{filesystem}" />
                <hint message="File system properties" effort="1"
        <where param="extensions">
                <matches pattern="(java|properties|jsp|jpsf|tag|xml|txt)" />
        <where param="filesystem">
                <matches pattern="(\S:[\\|/])" />
        <where param="netfilesystem">
                <matches pattern="(\\\\ntfileserver\)" />
        <where param="netfilesystem">
                <matches pattern="" />

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:        [WindUp] Regular expression to detect filesystem paths
Date:   Wed, 20 Apr 2016 15:29:03 +0200
From:   Roman Martin Gil <rmarting@redhat.com>
To:     Marek Novotny <mnovotny@redhat.com>


I am very obfuscated to create a rule to identify some filesystem paths
patterns. I am trying to detect when the code (.java, .properties) have
the following entries:

   * "c:\\"
   * "e:\\"
   * "c:/"
   * "e:/"
   * "\\\\ntfileserver\"
   * "page import="""

My first approach is similar to:

         <rule id="filesystem-paths-properties">
                 <filecontent filename="{*}.{extensions}"
pattern="{filesystem}" />
                 <hint message="File system properties" effort="1"
             <where param="extensions">
                 <matches pattern="(java|properties|jsp|jpsf|tag|xml|txt)" />
             <where param="filesystem">
                 <matches pattern="((c|e):|[\\])" />

However I am detecting cases as "Message: " as a pattern. How could I
create a rule to identify these cases?

Thank you very much in advance

PD: What is the better mail list to send it?


Saludos/Best regards
Jose Roman Martin Gil  
MW Senior Architect | +34 605 926 271 | roman.martin@redhat.com

Red Hat Iberia
C/ José Bardasano Baos, 9, Edif. Gorbea 3, planta 3ºD, 28016 Madrid, Spain
