Minutes:        http://transcripts.jboss.org/meeting/irc.freenode.org/windup/2014/windup.2014-08-06-14.11.html

Minutes (text): http://transcripts.jboss.org/meeting/irc.freenode.org/windup/2014/windup.2014-08-06-14.11.txt

Log:            http://transcripts.jboss.org/meeting/irc.freenode.org/windup/2014/windup.2014-08-06-14.11.log.html

Meeting summary
* Agenda  (lincolnthree1, 14:11:27)

* Status Updates  (lincolnthree1, 14:15:14)
  * Last week I was on vacation and completely ignored anything from
    work, so now I have a pile of stuff to get through and issues to
    resolve.  (lincolnthree1, 14:15:41)
  * I'm going to be working on ozizka's classloading issues and also the
    WINDUP- 133 refactoring  (lincolnthree1, 14:16:08)
  * Since WINDUP-133 not being resolved, I stopped the work on the
    migration and started to work on adding some new tests and thinking
    about how to simplify the rules  (mbriskar, 14:17:14)
  * According to the simplification, with Jess we came up with
    WINDUP-156, which now has it's PR in the windup  (mbriskar,
  * according to the tests, I was adding the tests to the upcoming
    issues or places I thought some test could be present. So I added
    test for the upcoming WINDUP-167 and also for the GraphService
    (which didn't have some basic tests).  (mbriskar, 14:19:57)
  * I was on vacation and am starting back today.  (jsightler, 14:22:22)
  * I was working on reporting and get into few issues  (ozizka,
  * Mostly with classloading. Going to fix with Lincoln's help  (ozizka,
  * Besides that, I worked on the server-side rules,  (ozizka, 14:26:09)
  * and again, wiki  (ozizka, 14:26:51)

* Classloader issues (summary and how to reproduce)  (lincolnthree1,
  * LINK: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WINDUP-178   (ozizka,
  * Steps to reproduce:  (lincolnthree1, 14:33:04)
  * 1. Checkout and build:
    https://github.com/OndraZizka/windup/tree/ReportCommons (skip tests)
    (lincolnthree1, 14:34:21)
  * 2. Run tests in "windup-reporting-xslt" sub-module.  (lincolnthree1,
  * Related issue: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/FORGE-1969
    (lincolnthree1, 14:36:09)

* WINDUP-133  (lincolnthree1, 14:36:58)

* Logging  (lincolnthree1, 14:55:31)

* WINDUP-168  (lincolnthree1, 15:01:19)

Meeting ended at 15:16:30 UTC.

Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."