I don't think typos in comments and things like that should need a JIRA. Refactoring of any kind really should have a JIRA, though, IMO (although it may not be a directly related JIRA if the refactoring is part of some other work).

Just my .02 :)

On 01/16/2015 11:53 AM, Ondrej Zizka wrote:
On a related note, would it be acceptable not to create JIRAs for small changes like typos or changes in wording of messages? That clutters the jira and inflates the volume of items to review regularly. Could just a PR be enough?


On 16.1.2015 05:11, Lincoln Baxter, III wrote:
Hey Team,

Just wanted to let you know that I did some (quite a bit of) JIRA cleanup. I've close a lot of old issues that hadn't seen any progress in a long time. That's not to say that they can't be reopened if we want to implement one, but I wanted to reduce the noise in JIRA and make it easier to find things.

Additionally, I probably closed about 30 issues that were already completed. So let's try (as I mentioned in my other email) to do a better job with closing issues when they are completed.

I'm going to be continuing to sort issues into the 2.0.0.Final version tag so that we can focus on getting this release out. I know I missed a few things that people are currently working on, but I'll get to it, or remind me and I'll put it in (or tag it yourselves.)


Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."

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